pull strings


pull strings 的定义

  1. To use personal connections to obtain a position: “Pat was officially interviewed for the job, but he also had his uncle pulling strings behind the scenes.” This phrase makes reference to the operation of string-controlled puppets, or marionettes.

pull strings 近义词

pull strings

等同于 machinate

pull strings

等同于 influence

pull strings

等同于 lobby

pull strings

等同于 manage

pull strings

等同于 maneuver

pull strings

等同于 manipulate

pull strings

等同于 operate

pull strings

等同于 order

pull strings

等同于 preside

pull strings

等同于 run

pull strings

等同于 one-up

pull strings

等同于 administer

pull strings

等同于 engineer

pull strings

等同于 favor

pull strings

等同于 finesse

pull strings 的近义词 12
pull strings 的反义词 2
pull strings

等同于 fix

pull strings 的近义词 12
pull strings 的反义词 2
pull strings

等同于 govern

更多pull strings例句

  1. It is a spy series at its core, but you guys never really pull from the headlines.
  2. Just how many fake nodes would be needed in order to pull off a successful Sybil attack against Tor is not known.
  3. Botala remembers that the rebels would pull into the island, loot what they could, and then take the haul back to Stanleyville.
  4. All it took was a good idea, and OK Go had one—and the drive to pull it off.
  5. And we do mean drunken—in the keep your kids at home, pull the shades kind of drunken.
  6. Strange to say, the silken cord yielded to the first pull, as if nothing had been wrong with it at all!
  7. Never grasp a Fern plant from above and try to pull it away, as this will be almost sure to result in damage.
  8. "I ordered you not to come," said Aspinall: "I can still pull a trigger, Sir," replied the man.
  9. This harmless image of a fierce beast Yung Pak would pull about the floor with a string by the hour.
  10. To pull through such a siege, the old settlers usually did much better than the new.